About me

I am a designer and want to show you some of my works. I love sketching, drawing, prototyping, modeling and handcrafting as a carpenter. Discovering new materials and technologies have always been fascinating for me.

It inspires me when I can share my designs with others and learn from their work. I am a person who learns best by practicing. However, not only experiences contribute my progression but for sure also thinking and learning by heart. Interior Design is both academic and practical, that is why I decided to get educated in such a hybrid discipline, which is linked and connected to many others as architecture, art, engineering, history or even philosophy.
Sustainability, respect, honesty, honour and passion are principles, which I was taught since birth and I intend to merge them with my personal design approach. I am convinced that these are the values that could provide me a joyful and satisfying life in the field of design and have a positive impact on the world generally. 
Further, I intend to enrich my personality by generating an eclectic sensibility. Therefore, I try to learn from the past, be aware of the present and focus on the future. I am always eager to extend the conceptualization, ideation, visualization and the presentation of my works.


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